Whenever you sold any share, you will be charged a dp charges in groww or if you using any other broker like upstox, zerodha, angel broking etc.
So what is dp charges in groww?
It is called “Depository Participant charges”
Irrespective of any quality we sell, it is taken by the depository to do the transaction.
There are two Depositories in India
When dp charges are applicable?
dp charges are not applicable on intraday, because stocks do not go to Depostitories. As we sell stock on same day in intraday order.
dp charges are only applicable to “delivery” orders. In simple words, if you buy stock today and you want to sell it tomorrow or any other day then, dp charges are applicable irrespective of any quantity we sold or you can say per order.
How much is dp charges in groww vs upstox vs zerodha vs angel broking
Dp charges in upstox
Demat transaction charges Delivery: Rs. 18.5 per scrip per day only on sell. Intraday: No Charges
Dp charges in Zerodha
₹13.5 + GST per scrip (irrespective of quantity), on the day, is debited from the trading account when stocks are sold. This is charged by the depository (CDSL) and depository participant (Zerodha).
Dp charges in Angel broking
₹ 20 Per Debit Transaction
₹ 50 Per Debit Transaction For BSDA Clients
Which broker has minimum dp charges to sell the stock?
Well, its almost same dp charges in groww app and zerodha. Whereas you can see above upstox and angel broking is taking little extra on selling the stock.
Hope this helped your question. You can check other questions simply by searching the blog.
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